
? HuiZhou United Copper Foil Electronic Material Co.,Ltd
  • Electrolytic copper foil for 6-9 micron high tensile double-sided photolithium ion battery

    6 micron high tensile double-sided Li-ion battery electrolytic copper foil is my company’s latest research and development of high-end products. It can not only help lithium-ion battery to increase energy density, but also accord with the development trend of power battery system of new energy automobile in the future-lightweight.

    ? Product details

    6 micron high tensile double-sided Li-ion battery electrolytic copper foil is my company’s latest research and development of high-end products.?It can not only help lithium-ion battery to increase energy density, but also accord with the development trend of power battery system of new energy automobile in the future-lightweight.?At present, the tensile strength of electrolytic copper foil for 6 micron high tensile double-sided Li-ion battery has reached 50KG, and the properties are as follows:

    怀化市| 宁河县| 冀州市| 兖州市| 九寨沟县| 开阳县| 泰州市| 临江市| 桂阳县| 班戈县| 当涂县| 潜江市| 天水市| 贡山| 乌海市| 罗江县| 清镇市| 全椒县| 镇赉县| 望奎县| 济阳县| 定南县| 宝清县| 合川市| 光山县| 宜阳县| 台中市| 无棣县| 喀喇沁旗| 胶州市| 齐河县| 隆子县| 保康县| 咸阳市| 库尔勒市| 南康市| 平江县| 扶沟县| 临湘市| 厦门市| 冀州市|