
? HuiZhou United Copper Foil Electronic Material Co.,Ltd

Codelco-Chile, a global copper giant, visits Nord once again


On November 20, a senior team of the world’s largest copper company, Corp Nacional del Cobre de Chile (Codelco-Chile), visited Nord Investment Co., Ltd. (Nord shares for short). Chen Xuyong, director of Nord shares, Li Pengcheng, vice president and Secretary of the board of directors, Wang Liwen, chief financial officer, and Wang Hantuo, president of the company, received guests for lithium electricity. The production and management of copper foil, deep processing of copper materials and international supply chain cooperation have been extensively and deeply discussed.

The picture shows the leaders of both sides holding a symposium.

Since this year, senior leaders of both sides have frequently interacted. In March, senior leaders of Chile’s National Copper Company visited Nord shares; in August, the chairman of the company, Chen Lizhi, visited the headquarters of Chile’s National Copper Company to deepen communication and cooperation. The Chilean State Copper Company visited Nord Headquarters and Huizhou United Copper Foil Electronic Material Co., Ltd. again. The two sides had in-depth communication on industrial layout, business situation and future development planning, with a view to expanding cooperation areas, upgrading cooperation levels and achieving win-win development.

The picture shows Chile National Copper Company visiting Huizhou United Copper Foil Electronic Material Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Nord Co., Ltd.

Chile National Copper Corporation is the world’s largest copper producer. The company mainly explores and develops copper and other by-product ores, and eventually obtains concentrates and sells them. Now it has about 20% of the world’s copper resources, and its enterprise management, technology and environmental protection level are among the world’s advanced.

The picture shows Chen Lizhi (middle), chairman of Nord Co., visiting the headquarters of Chile National Copper Corporation.

Previously, Xu Songqing, vice chairman and President of Nord, said, “Copper is a very important metal raw material in lithium-ion copper foil industry. We look forward to the opportunity to reach strategic cooperation with Chile National Copper Company. From Nord’s perspective, this will be an important milestone in the internationalization of supply chain. We strive to become industry leaders who connect upstream and downstream industries and integrate industrial chains.”

The picture shows Xu Songqing (left 6), Vice Chairman and President of Nord Stock Company, taking a photo with the senior management of Chile National Copper Company.

With the rapid development of new energy automobile industry, it has greatly promoted the development of enterprises in the upstream and downstream industrial chain. As the first domestic leader to realize large-scale production of lithium-ion copper foil, Nord shares have been rooted in the field of copper foil for many years and accumulated rich technology and resources of lithium-ion copper foil. At the end of August this year, Nord Co., Ltd. was officially put into operation at 10,000 tons of the first phase of 40,000 tons of new energy high-end lithium-electric copper foil project in Xining, Qinghai Province, which means that Nord Co., Ltd. has taken another step in the expansion of high-end lithium-electric copper foil production capacity. Chen Lizhi, chairman of Nord Co., Ltd., said that the company would focus on expanding overseas markets and hopefully gradually improve the global layout.
Node shares have developed long-term and stable cooperation with Ningde Times, BYD, Guoxuan Gaoke, Tianjin Lishen, LG Chemistry and other well-known enterprises. At the same time, Node shares are gradually establishing cooperative relations with Panasonic, Tesla and other international well-known enterprises. Since last year, the company has expanded the production scale of 6 micron copper foil, laying a good foundation for its capacity expansion, market expansion and product going out.
“Developing internationalization is an important part of the company’s strategy, expanding overseas customers, expanding overseas cooperation and enhancing global brand influence.” Li Pengcheng, vice president and Secretary of the board of directors of Nord, said that as a leader of the industry, Nord will seize industrial opportunities, expand international cooperation, and strive to seize new industrial opportunities and meet the new future with internationally renowned upstream and downstream enterprises.

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