
? HuiZhou United Copper Foil Electronic Material Co.,Ltd

Chen Lizhi, chairman of Nord Stock Company, and his delegation were invited to visit Chongqing and hold a symposium with Tangchuan, Secretary of Chongqing Yubei District Committee and district governor of Chongqing Municipality.


On December 7, Chen Lizhi, chairman of Nord Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Nord Stock), and his delegation were invited to visit Chongqing Yubei District. They also visited Tangchuan, Secretary of Chongqing Yubei District Committee and chairman of the district government, Tang Mi, vice-chairman of the district, Zeng Deming, chairman of the District Economic and credit commission, Yin Huawei, chairman of Airport Economic Development Corporation, Tangli, chairman of Innovation Economic Corridor Company, and Dong of Xiantao Data Valley Company. Chairman Wang Xiaoping, Chairman of Strategic Industries Company acting as Jianjun, Vice General Manager of Strategic Industries Company Yang Jigang and other leaders held a symposium and exchange meeting to further strengthen the understanding of Chongqing Yubei District Park planning, industrial layout, supporting facilities construction and other details. Sun Zhifang, Director of Nord, Vice President Su Hezhong, General Manager of Supply Chain Business, Chen Xi, accompanied the participants.

During the symposium, Tang Chuan, Secretary of the Chongqing Yubei District Committee and chairman of the district government, introduced the regional conditions and local industrial structure of Yubei District to the chairman of Nord Stock Company. He said that in recent years, the economic development of Chongqing was rapid and the industrial layout was gradually improved. Now, some famous domestic enterprises such as Chang’an Automobile and OPPO Mobile Phone have settled in Yubei District of Chongqing, which has led to the development of Yubei District and Chongqing City. Economic development. At present, several major industries in Chongqing which need to be developed urgently, such as new energy, intelligent technology and so on, are closely related to the industrial strategic layout of Nord shares. We hope that through this inspection, we can achieve very good cooperation with Nord shares.

After the symposium, Chen Lizhi, chairman of Nord Stock Company, accompanied by relevant government leaders, inspected the company’s project site selection, local mobile phone accessories and other enterprises, and visited and inspected the frontier science and technology city, Airport Industrial Park and Xiantao data valley of Chongqing, and inspected the two sides on the construction of the park, regional utilization of the park, future planning and other issues. Communication. Chen Lizhi said that Chongqing Yubei has a unique geographical location, good momentum of economic and social development, rational layout of Park construction, high space utilization, enthusiasm and good spiritual outlook of innovative officers are impressive. We also sincerely invite Secretary Tang and other leaders to visit Nord for in-depth communication and exchanges. We hope that there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future so as to achieve complementary resources, share advantages and common development.

Through the symposium held with the leaders of Chongqing Yubei District Committee and District Government, the advantages of Nord’s shares were demonstrated, and the leaders at all levels had a better understanding of Nord’s shares. They also mentioned that in the follow-up, they should further communicate the relevant preferential policies for attracting investment. Nord shares also had a clearer understanding of the industrial needs and future cooperation space of Chongqing Yubei District.

<Nord Joint Stock Survey Location of Chongqing>

In the future, Nord will pool its strengths and explore areas of cooperation between the two sides. It is believed that with the support of Chongqing North Chongqing and all walks of life, Nord shares will fully consider the advantages and disadvantages of the layout of Chongqing North Chongqing, promote the transformation and upgrading of regional industries, and achieve win-win situation for all parties.

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