
? HuiZhou United Copper Foil Electronic Material Co.,Ltd

CODELCO, a global copper giant, visits Nord Shares


On March 2, senior executives of CODELCO, the world’s largest copper company, visited Nord Investment Co., Ltd. and its subsidiary Huizhou United Copper Foil Electronic Materials Co., Ltd.

It is reported that the visit of the world’s top copper giant is aimed at investigating the leading technology and comprehensive strength of Nord’s copper foil business in order to seek deeper cooperation between the two sides.

According to reports, CODELCO is a state-owned enterprise in Chile, with about 20% of the world’s copper resources, and is the world’s largest copper producer. Its enterprise management, technology and environmental protection level are among the world’s advanced. The company mainly explores and develops copper ore and other by-product ores, and eventually obtains concentrates and sells them.

Through investigation and in-depth exchanges, the two sides deepened their understanding of each other and laid a solid foundation for possible future cooperation. CODELCO Company and its team highly appraised Nord’s position in the industry, production management and technology research and development.


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